Together with a Project Lead Learnetic S.A.we delivered six projects funded by the European Social Fund. The aim of the projects is to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in six different sectors.
Language support for vocational education
- G-LENS – Countering Gendered Disinformation: Empowering Youth and Strengthening Democracy
- Youth Connect for Ukraine – Leadership Training
- Inclusive Schools II
- Stronger Together
- Language support for vocational education
- Leadership for Headteachers training
- Services for UK educational institutions
- Schools

Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration and services sector (I)
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration and services sector (I)
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 14 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: hairdressing and cosmetology, chemical, ceramics and glass making, printing and photography, woodwork and furniture making, and arts. The 14 sets of e-resources comprises 87 modules of English language materials. The e-resources either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
1,813,228.38 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
1,528,188.88 PLN
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in electric and electrotechnology sector (V)
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in electric and electrotechnology sector (V)
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 9 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: IT, electrical engineering, and electronics and energy. The 9 sets of e-resources comprises 85 modules of English language materials. The e-resources either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
1,627,821.50 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
1,371,927.96 PLN
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in mechanics sector (VI)
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in mechanics sector (VI)
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 15 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: mechanical engineering, metal and plastic processing, precision mechanics, and automotive repair. The 15 sets of e-resources comprises 89 modules of English language materials. The e-resources either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
1,828,629.77 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
1,541,169.17 PLN
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in mining and metal processing (VII) sector
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in mining and metal processing (VII) sector
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 7 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: mining and drilling, and metal processing and founding. The 7 sets of e-resources comprises 61 modules of English language materials. The e-resources will either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
1,285,411.32 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
1,083,344.66 PLN
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in tourism and catering (IX) sector
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in tourism and catering (IX) sector
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 5 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: hotel, catering and tourism, and food. The 5 sets of e-resources comprises 46 modules of English language materials. The e-resources either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
988,070.70 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
832,745.99 PLN
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in healthcare and social services sector (X)
project title
Development of e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in healthcare and social services sector (X)
project aim
The aim of the project was to develop e-resources for teaching English in vocational education.
planned results
The project contributed to the delivery of the PO WER programme objectives, with specific objective of priority axis II: Increasing the use of modernised content, tools and resources supporting the vocational education process.
The project produced 15 sets of multimedia e-resources for teaching English in vocational education in administration, services and arts sector. The sector covers the following groups of jobs: health services, social services, and protection of safety and property. The 15 sets of e-resources comprises 71 modules of English language materials. The e-resources either complement or replace the existing materials used in schools.
from 2017.04.03 till 2018.11.30
project value
1,517,878.27 PLN
co-financing from the European Social Fund
1,279,267.81 PLN
- G-LENS – Countering Gendered Disinformation: Empowering Youth and Strengthening Democracy
- Youth Connect for Ukraine – Leadership Training
- Inclusive Schools II
- Stronger Together
- Language support for vocational education
- Leadership for Headteachers training
- Services for UK educational institutions
- Schools